Turks & Caicos Magazine and Mario Rigby Following History's Trail

Turks & Caicos Magazine

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Mario Rigby heads to the island of Middle Caicos where he follows a trail that would connect Middle Caicos and North Caicos across terrain and shallow waters, not only stunningly beautiful, but steeped in island history.


Modern day explorer Mario Rigby is on a mission to inspire others to get out, be brave, and see the world. After crossing the continent of Africa from Cape Town to Cairo on foot and kayak, as well as cycling across the breadth of Canada, Mario is coming home to chronicle new adventures right here in the Turks and Caicos. Diving into history, culture and natural wonders, the series offers a dynamic perspective on the diverse beauty of the islands’ through the eyes of its very own adventurer.

Mario will venture to the islands’ most rugged landscapes, revealing the historical significance of visited sites, as well as expounding on the islands’ rich culture in this visual storytelling series.

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